Due to some unforseen and unlucky circumstances we have two males puppies available. Please contact…
CamillaApril 22, 2011
The puppies turned six weeks today, and they are getting naughtier by the day. Still…
CamillaApril 19, 2011
The puppies were introduced to the outdoors today and they took to it right away!
CamillaApril 14, 2011
Today, on the 2nd birthday of the Gleska Good-litter, the puppies are two weeks old.…
CamillaMarch 22, 2011
Ch Gleska Sweet Spot is in whelp. We are looking forward to puppies mid March.…
CamillaFebruary 17, 2011
Ch Gleska Sweet Spot has now been mated and we are keeping our fingers crossed…
CamillaJanuary 11, 2011